How to Design Your Corporate Presentation

Whether you’re a start up exploration company or an established Precious metals mining company, you need to do a few things to raise capital or market yourself. One of those things is to establish a corporate presentation deck.

There are a few key ingredients that go into the mix to create a good corporate presentation that stands out. In order for your corporate presentation to stand out, you need to make sure that everything about it is unique and consistent to your brand identity. At the same time, you also need to make sure that what you’re doing is appealing.

So, what does it take to create an engaging Corporate Presentation? Are there any key considerations to be made? These are the kind of questions that are likely to be circling in your head. Well, we’ve got all the answers lined up for you right here.

Keep it professional & clean

The first major aspect of a corporate presentation, or any presentation for that matter, is a clean layout. You will create an impact with potential clients, customers or investors when things are easy to understand, clean, and well-organized. After all, you want them to easily explore and retain the information you are providing.

Start off by structuring a main subsequent page master that contains all the important elements of your brand identity. This could be using shape and colour, your logo, and important easy to reach information like you url or your stock ticker.

Your visitors aren’t going to spend more than a few minutes on each page of your presentation. So, you have very little time to make an impact on them. So, avoid cluttering up the pages. Stick to the ‘keep it simple’ rule.

One standard technique to create a simple layout involves leveraging white space. White space is the space that surrounds your images and text. In other words, it’s the space that’s been left unused. A clean layout must contain plenty of white space. Apart from providing an organized look, whitespace can also create emphasis, which is a good thing.

Keep it cohesive

When choosing colors or graphic elements, make sure they reflect your image or brand. One way to do this is by referring to the images you’re currently using. Pick a few colors from the image and contrast them with the rest of the visual content.

Other than that, pay attention to color psychology. Studies have shown that colors have an impact on people’s perceptions and that they do carry meaning..

Ideally, you’ll need three colors – primary, secondary, and tertiary. Your primary color should be the one reflecting the overall theme of the website. The secondary color is necessary for contrast and the tertiary color is the accent color.

Keep it legible

Of course, no site is complete without textual content. Textual content is necessary to complement visual content. If you want something to be conveyed clearly and in detail, text is your best bet because its practical.

However, when using textual elements, make sure you use an appropriate font. The most basic requirement, with regard to fonts, is readability. The font you choose must make reading easy or at the very least, avoid making things difficult. So, the font for your primary content must be simple and legible.

Next, make sure you opt for the right color as well. The font color must be in stark contrast with the background color. For example, black on white or vice versa. This is the most effective way to make sure that the text grab’s people’s attention.

Finally, never forget consistency. Ideally, you must use the same font throughout the entire presentation. However, that might be difficult to do in some cases. For example, on an imported diagram or map. If you are ever forced to use a different font, at least ensure that it shares a similar style with the primary font choice.


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